Wednesday 14 October 2020

What's Easier To Learn Piano Or Guitar

what's easier to learn piano or guitar

2) learning a new piece of music is much easier on a guitar than a piano (mainly because you’re learning melody on one hand and chords on the other whereas in piano music unless it’s very simple there will be a baseline melody on the left that has to interlock with the treble melody on the right).. But i agree with those above, that you need not do one, and not the other. learning piano informs your muscianship, in ways learning guitar does not, but in the same way, learning guitar teaches you things about music, that no one knowing only piano, may ever truly appreciate. if this is to be an avocation, do both. maybe, start with piano.. I've played both and found the guitar much easier than piano to learn without a teacher. a decent guitar and a chord book, you can learn a lot on your own. the piano has a lot more to it. there's a lot to how you hold your hands. lots of finer points that i didn't get just from a book. btw, i ended up taking lessons for both..

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what's easier to learn piano or guitar
Many people will ask me where should someone with little to no music experience begin on their journey to learn guitar or piano. in this video i go over how i think it's best to learn both. For me, honestly guitar was easier. i started out learning piano, but it took me a long time to re-learn how to read the bass clef in the music. i also had a difficult time with the left hand, moving differently than the right, moving at different tempos, and so on..

more info detail about what's easier to learn piano or guitar

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